
Ahh Mondays OVER. Finally! Remember how I said I would be making my first “overnight oats” recipe last night? Welll I did and let me just tell you it was DEE-SCUST-ING. Maybe I’m not a good overnight breakfast chef or maybe cold oats is NOT my thing. I’d like to go with the latter… It looked appetizing but I could hardly stomach this. I even tried heating it up and still no appetite for that nonsense. Did i tell you that I also spit out a Reese’s last night? WHO AM I!? I took a bite and didnt think it tasted good. I’m not sure if its because I’m used to peanut butter with no sugar added but something is definitely up with my tastebuds.

The bowl of oats that went down the drain. Does anyone have any good recipes for this? It was so convenient and I’d give it another shot if you PROMISE it’s a good one!

These cheered me up after a not so tasty breakfast (have I told you I didnt like my breakfast enough yet?)

Orange is my FAVORITE color. Beautiful ♥

Snack today was a Honeycrisp apple with some Justin’s Almond Butter. I’ve never had almond butter but I’ve heard good things… I went to purchase it and it was $11!? I  would pay that for some Chocolate Peanut Butter… but I’m not even sure I’d like this, so I passed. On my way out I saw these packets for 99¢. SCORE! Perfect way to do a little taste test 🙂 Apparently a lot comes in this tiny package…I used it for this snack AND my lunch and I still have half of a packet left. It’s good but I wouldn’t eat it everyday so I’ll pass on the $11 jar and stick with the packets for now.

The girls went down for a nap so I headed down to the elliptical… They set up a TV so I was able to watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills while working out today. 45 minutes flew by! Now here is where my post title comes from. After my workout I checked the stats…..

Almost 1000 calories in 45 minutes!? I worked hard…but I feel like thats equal to  almost 2 hours of running. This has to be wrong… I talked to one of my girlfriends who is a certified nutritionist and she said that there are law suits going on about this exact issue. I understand that it cant be 100% correct but that seems WAY off. Maybe more around 500 calories burned? I would like to get a heart rate monitor but I’ve never known anyone to actually use one. Does anyone have suggestions on any? A friend told me about the Polar brand and I found some for about $75 but I’d like to hear your opinions if you have one!

After my breakfast debacle the last thing I wanted was ANOTHER cold meal. Unfortunately all I brought was a greek yogurt and a bluebran vitamuffin top. Since it is Meatless Monday there werent many options for me at work…So i stuck with it.

It wasn’t bad… But, it also wasn’t the best meal I’d ever had! I was DETERMINED to have a good, warm, healthy dinner.

Well, 2 out of those 3 arent bad right? I went with a Roasted Butternut Squash Gnocchi with a browned butter and parmesan sauce.

Ha – welllll i know those don’t look exactly like gnocchi does…but does presentation really matter when you are eating cheese, butter and pasta? Didnt think so.

Make this for dinner if you hated your breakfast and lunch…and finish with a handful two handfuls of vegan chocolate chips.  I promise it will make everything better.

Butternut Squash Gnocchi with Brown Butter Sauce


  • 1/2 butternut squash, chopped
  • 1 cup of whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablepoons olive oil
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • sprinkling of pepper
  • 1/4 cup butter ( i used Earth Balance)
  • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 400.

Chop butternut squash into bite size pieces. Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg. Roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.

Once roasted squash has cooled, mash with a fork or puree in a food processor. You want about 1 cup of squash.

Begin gradually adding flour and mix with your hands to create a dough. If it is too sticky, add more flour. Do not add too much at one time.

Bring water to a boil in a large pot.

Roll dough into thin strips and cut inch-long pieces from the strip.  Place in boiling water and let cook for 3-4 minutes, or just until gnocchi floats. Drain pasta.

Heat a small saucepan on medium heat. Add butter and continue to stir and swirl so butter down not burn. Watch closely. Cook for about 3 minutes, or until butter is lightly browned and bubbly.

Pour brown butter over gnocchi and sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

You can’t go wrong here. I know I have work to do on my rolling and cutting of the dough but it’s my first time! I’ll get better – Promise 🙂


I came across these today while looking for something to give my camera some color. Can someone buy me this camera strap asap? K. Thanks!

Thank you to Sophia and Angie who awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award!

here’s how it works…

1.  Make a post + Link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2.  Share 7 things about yourself.

My Random 7:

1. I can crack every single bone in my body. Test me.

2. I used to be tanorexic… I miss the days of being tan but I know I’m saving myself in the long run.

3. I have been in serious relationships for the past 11 years of my life. The longest I’ve ever been single is 3 months…It happened to be right before I met my current boyfriend. I believe you need to take time to yourself before you jump in another relationship so you can discover what you really want in a partner. You’ve gotta kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince 🙂

4. I know every single lyric to every single song. My favorite type of music is Rap… Bet you wouldn’t have guessed that!

5. I am SERIOUSLY addicted to sweets. I used to be a salt lover but within the past year sugar has stolen my heart.

6. I used to wear a size 8.5 shoe…Now I wear a 7 and my Uggs are a size 5. I might be the only person who’s feet shrink as they get older!?

7. I wear a tiara every year on my birthday. I AM a princess.

I thought that was going to be hard but I actually have a lot more things I could say!

They are calling for 7 inches of snow tomorrow… They’ve said that one too many times this year and I’ve yet to see it… So snow hard or go home please.

Hope everyone had a great day and a better breakfast than me! I had to say it one more time…



13 Comments to “Misled…”

  1. I really want to get a heart monitor too because I never believe what the machine say. I definitely agree that they seem off a lot. Totally love gnocchi, and it doesn’t matter what it looks like. It just needs to taste good! 🙂

  2. I don’t ever believe the Machines, Instead I always program my weight into the machine and it is usually more accurate. Remeber if your 122 lbs you burn roughly 450 calories if you run at 6 mph pace for 45 min which is about the same for a stationary bike or elliptical…

    Your gnocchi looks great! Probably tasted better than mine, I wasn’t a huge fan of making my own pasta, I think the ravioli I made was much better but still I’ll leave pasta to the boxed versions from now on, the professional pasta makers kick my ass.

  3. I saw the justin peanut butter at the store the other day. i don’t care if the peanut butter is that amazing – I refuse to pay $11 for that…outrageous!

  4. Oh my god – I thought *I* was the only person whose feet have shrunk! I wore a 7.5 in middle school, and in the 12-14 years since then they’ve gotten smaller and smaller. Now I wear a 6 in most shoes, and sometimes even a 5 or 5.5! Too weird!

  5. I feel the same way about overnight oats! Not a fan! I’ve tried making them several times and have ended up wasting a lot of food. If you find a good recipe, please let me know!

    The butternut squash gnocchi look and sound delicious. I can’t imagine a better make-up-for-a-bad-food-day meal! 🙂

  6. Never rely on the machines unless you can calibrate it to your exact measurments. Machines are set for 150lb men, so that is the calorie burn that it is giving you. I would say cutting that in half is probably about right, but the only real way to know is a heart rate monitor. I have heard excellant things about polars!

  7. Oh dear I’m sorry about your negative overnight oats! There’s just something about hot oatmeal that can’t be beat… those flowers definitely look like they made up for it though. And Justin’s AB is superrr expensive; I wish I could buy it in the huge jars. Whole Foods brand is pretty good… it’s 5 or 6 bucks still but certainly not 11!

    I saw that 1000 before reading the paragraph after and was like, “WHOA, she’s REALLY intense!” 😉

    Your dinner looks lovely and so does the camera strap; so cute! And even though already got it twice I just wanted to tell you that I tagged you in my stylish blog post as well. Hahahaha.

  8. Congratulations for posting such a useful blog. Your blog is not only informative and also very artistic too. There normally are extremely couple of individuals who can write not so easy articles that creatively. Keep up the good work !!

  9. I always like overnight oats and your at least look good! It’s probably just that you don’t like the consistency?

    The Justin’s almond butter is really good! But 11 dollars is def. a little steep!

    Your feet are shrinking?! Too funny! 😉

  10. I wish my feet would shrink! Theyre so big for my height 😦

    By the way, the Peanut Flour is from Trader Joes! I hear they sell it on amazon now, if there isn’t a TJs near you. (TJs also has reasonably priced almond butter).

  11. I’m so over the days of shelling out $11 for a jar of nut butter, too. Now I make my own peanut butter (peanuts are cheap when they’re on sale!) and “save up” for the $8.99 cashew butter. That, you guessed it, I’ll only buy if it’s on sale. I’d try making it myself but the kind I b uy is so creamy and runny that I don’t think I can replicate it!
    Also – I hated overnight oats the first time I tried them, too. It took a couple bowls to get used to them, but then I just about swore by them all summer. The combo I used: 1/3-1/2 c. oats mixed with 2 t. chia seeds, 1/2 c. almond milk, cinnamon and half of a banana mashed in. In the morning I’d mix in a little bit more milk or a little bit of yogurt, and if it was cold I’d nuke them for a little bit, too. I found the mashed banana made all the difference!!

  12. Congrats on the award-love your 7 things:)
    Justin’s Maple almond butter-my worst obsession. W asked me the other day why there’s a spoon in the cupboard sitting next to the jar-I of course glared at him and walked away, haha.

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