Girls Night Out & Munchkins

I feel like I haven’t written a post in weeks! That was the longest/shortest weekend of my life… Friday night I stayed in to prepare for my girls night out Saturday – Good thing I did because we were up until 5 am! We started out with dinner and drinks at Rio and then headed downtown DC to Eden Nightclub. Dinner was kicked off with chips, salsa, queso, guacamole and frozen sangrias.

We all basically ordered the same dinner with different variations. I insisted on ordering dessert…

I’m a good decision maker. Sopapillas (hot mexican doughnut w/ powdered sugar and caramel sauce) with a large scoop of ice cream in a toasted coconut and pecan shell, drizzled with more chocolate and caramel sauce. We took this down in about 3.4 seconds… I’m not gonna lie, I ate more than half. Someone had to finish it ๐Ÿ™‚

Clean Plate Club. Don’t judge.

Eden was crowded but we still managed to make room so we could dance and burn off some of those dinner calories! I love girls night outs and my pretty friends.

Sunday was one of those cheat days where you don’t photograph anything you eat… Pizza, Girl Scout cookies and homemade doughnuts. Everything was unhealthy but I don’t regret it – You have to give yourself some cheat days ๐Ÿ™‚ I only made one thing this weekend BUT it was one of the best “fat snacks” I’ve ever made.

I saw that Julie made some homemade munchkins with her mom ย this weekend and I was craving some but didn’t have any biscuits on hand. However, I did have this…


My cousin wanted to help so we put on our aprons and got to work.

Try and remember I was up til 5 am and woke up at 9…

Homemade Munchkins


  • 1 package of cinnamon rolls
  • Canola Oil
  • Powdered Sugar
  • Cinnamon Sugar


  • Remove rolls from package

  • Cut each roll into 4 pieces.

  • In a skillet heat a layer of canola oil and drop the pieces in one by one

  • Let them brown for about 35 seconds and flip them until the brown on the other side for about 35 more seconds.
  • Sprinkle your choice of topping (caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar etc…)

Make sure you eat them when they’re warm! I also dipped mine in the icing that comes with the cinnamon rolls. I told you it was a cheat day!

Looks like I have some catching up to do on my 30 day challenge…

Day 3: Your first love
Day 4: Your parents
Day 5: A song to match your mood

Day 3: My first love… Well, to tell you the truth I think you only fall in love once. I was in 3 serious relationships for 10 years of my life without being single for longer than 2 weeks. When I finally gave myself some time to figure out what I want in a relationship (3 months) I started dating my current boyfriend. I went to Atlantic City to meet Brody Jenner with my girlfriends because #1 I’m obsessed with him and #2 I was going to move to Florida and thought this would be the perfect way to say goodbye. We got to the casino/hotel and checked into our room. There were some guys staying in our suite but I kind of gave it the shrug off because helllllo I was about to meet my future husband (brody). We all got ready and headed to the club for one of the BEST nights ever… After hanging out at Brody’s table, I somehow stumbled into one of the guys that were staying in our hotel room. Since it was late/early we went out to breakfast and ended up hitting it off. He sneakily got my phone number and we talked all day everyday until I saw him again a month later. I ended up changing my mind about moving to Florida because I knew our relationship would instantly fail if I was over 1,000 miles away; 200 was already far enough! Everything happens for a reason… I had a good feeling about him and knew it would be worth it to give this a chance. Every time I “fell in love” before it felt different and once I fell again I knew that what I had in the past wasn’t true love… But this time it feels right…and I hope that it continues to stay that way. SO yes the moral of my story is that my current boyfriend is my first true love ๐Ÿ™‚

Day 4 – My parents

My parents are no longer married but I have still kept strong relationships with each of them. I lived with my mom (and my 2 brothers) from 4th grade on and when we moved to Maryland my dad stayed in Florida. My mom has done a great job providing us with everything we need, want and wish for. My dad has taught me a lot of lessons in life whether he meant to or not. I love them both and don’t know what I would do without either of them in my life ๐Ÿ™‚

Day 5: A song to fit my current mood: Since I just talked about my boyfriend, my friends and my parents I was thinking “My life would suck without them” So, thank you Kelly Clarkson… This song fits perfectly.

I am pretty sure I’m getting sick so I’m headed to bed with some NyQuil and hoping to feel better by tomorrow!!


QUESTIONS: Do you believe you can only fall in love once? Have you ever made doughnuts? How often do you go out for a girls night out?



13 Comments to “Girls Night Out & Munchkins”

  1. Wow, that dessert is out of this world!! You guys all look so pretty, getting ready to go out! The munchkins look so yummy! I think you can fall in love more than once, but that it honestly depends on the person. I have a girls night every week. Theyโ€™re so much fun!

  2. Yes mam I believe you only really fall in love one time…I always thought it was love before but only now do I realize what love is…. I feel like with each person I have dated I have gained someting different from those relationships to make me realize who and what I want more… I’ve realized that love wasn’t what I had with them but today I feel like I have found my true love. I wouldn’t have been able to say he was my true love if I met him in the past because I had not been able to fully accept myself then or love myself. Now that I do I am ready to love! ๐Ÿ™‚

    You are so gorgeous honestly you are beautiful! Your man is super lucky make sure he knows it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Frozen sangrias?! What a fabulous drink! I’ve fallen in love multiple times…but with the same man: my husband! I seriously fall in love with him all over again every day…he is just so wonderful!

  4. i think you can be in love more than once but i think every love is different. some loves are much more powerful than others. i’ve been in love twice, but the love i have for my husband is much more intense and deep than my first love was… though i believe that love was very real, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. You are so gorgeous! Love all of the pictures ๐Ÿ™‚
    Love how you re-created Julie’s idea- yours look AWESOME, especially with the frosting- HOLY yum!
    & I have to agree with Julie’s comment- I do think you can fall in love more than once. I was with my high school sweetheart for 5 years (2 & 1/2 years in high school, then 2 & 1/2 while we were in college.) but things just didn’t work out. Maybe we were too young, who knows. But honestly I’m so glad it didn’t because I met the man of my dreams & now my fiance. Both loves were different, but I do believe I was in love with both of them. Definitely MORE passion/ intensity now though ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. OMG, I love your donut idea!!! Made with cinnamon rolls, that’s genious! Sounds so good right now as we are snowed in! Or rather iced in!
    I believe you can fall in love more than once in your lifetime, love is fun!
    You have the longest and leanest legs girl, rock it!

  7. Sopapillas and cinnamon rolls?! Omg what an amazing weekend ๐Ÿ˜€
    And I do think that you can fall in love more than once but probably not to the same extent if that even makes any sense. I have a girls out like once every two weeks ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. What a great weekend!! I love having a girls night out whenever possible due to my busy schedule! It makes everything great! Plus I love your pictures you posted!

  9. I saw your dress at Nordstroms Friday! Maybe I should become a nanny, it looks like it pays better than advertising and seems way more fun than my job!

    You look great!!

  10. Gorgeous Girls Night Out pictures!!! I love those nights ๐Ÿ˜€
    I believe you can fall in love more than once…
    I have never made doughnuts.
    Girls Nights happen way more often when you are single but since I am not, most likely 1-2x a month

  11. You find true love….once in a lifetime!

  12. Looks like such a fun night out! ๐Ÿ™‚ You are so gorgeous, girl!

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