Blueberries galore

I think I’m finally feeling back to normal! Especially after my ridiculous 12 hours of sleep last night…

I woke up too late for a workout – so it was another quick breakfast. I had shopping to do!

Headed to a few of my favorite stores – South Moon Under, J. Crew & Nordstrom to name a few. Below are the items I received… I don’t want to say bought because I got it all for free 🙂

Hmm.. I just noticed everything was black. That’s not like me! The dress is for New Years… It’s the total opposite from what I posted before. But, at this point I really don’t have time to be picky. Sooo that’s that.

Can my shopping count as my workout? Just kidding… But you do burn 137 calories PER HOUR while shopping! That’s why I do it so much..Duh. When we got back from the mall I jumped on the elliptical for a pathetic 35 minutes. I also did a Pilates ab video for 10 minutes. I need to step it up!

Lunch was leftovers – Turkey Chili with Greek Yogurt & VitaMuffin Cornbread

Not to toot my own horn – But i make really good chili. Beep Beep.

After work I headed to the grocery store… I know a lot of people despise this chore – But I absolutely LOVE it. I live for it. On average I spend about 2 hours there each time I go. I enjoy reading the labels and going up and down every single aisle…at least twice. You never know what you might miss the first time around! No matter what store I go to I ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS get the broken cart. If I didn’t I would think it was my lucky day and run to play the lottery. It was so bad this time that at least 5 people commented on it. “Wow that noise has to be annoying you”, “Oh you poor thing, how did you get stuck with that one?!”. It doesn’t bother me anymore. I’m quite used to it. I got a lot of goodies at the grocery store but I couldn’t decide between these 3 which one of these was my favorite.

Chocolate Whipped Cream, Adult Gummy Vitamins & Organic Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter? How is a girl to choose. First of all…How did I not think of Chocolate Whipped Cream. Ugh, I could be rich by now! Secondly, you should know that I busted open the Gummy Vitamins in the car in the parking lot on my way home. Is there such thing as taking too many Vitamins? Because with the way these taste I could definitely eat the jar in one sitting. And last but not least…There really is no better combination than Peanut Butter and Chocolate so I can only imagine that this tastes amazing. Unfortunately, I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out. So the winner for now is the Vitamins.

Dinner took about 4 minutes to make. A leftover piece of grilled chicken with some melted mozzarella on a sandwich thin topped with spinach and drizzled with buffalo sauce. I REALLY wanted sweet potato fries with this but decided to reach for the veggies since I can guarantee I wont see much of those in Boston.

Anything with buffalo sauce gets the stamp of approval from me. I also had some dessert – I crave something cold or chocolatey every night as my last meal. Tonight I was craving both…So I made this!

Triple Chocolate Dairy Free Pudding…topped with blueberries of course. It’s possible that I might turn into a blueberry shortly! You may or may not know that I am lactose intolerant…but that doesn’t stop me from eating ice cream, yogurt or anything else dairy. The only problem is i definitely pay for it… So sometimes I switch it up to avoid the excruciating pain (see what i do for you ice cream!!). This is beyond tasty – it’s delectable, luscious, sumptuous, and mmmm I’ll think of more once I’m finished licking the bowl. Enjoy 🙂

Triple Chocolate Dairy Free Pudding –Yields 4 servings


  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • Pinch salt
  • 3 cups cold Chocolate Soymilk
  • 1/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract

In a large pot, whisk together the sugar, cocoa, cornstarch and salt. Add the Soymilk, whisking until smooth. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, whisking continuously. Lower the heat and simmer gently, whisking continuously, for 5 to 10 minutes or until the pudding is thick. (Consider this a workout and give yourself an extra scoop of pudding) Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the chocolate chips and vanilla. Serve the pudding warm, or scoop it into a bowl, press a piece of plastic wrap onto the surface of the pudding (to prevent a skin from forming) and refrigerate until ready to serve.

This recipe was from a cookbook I got this Christmas called “Go Dairy Free” – I wanted to substitute Stevia for the sugar but I wasn’t sure the exact measurements – Maybe next time! If anyone knows how that works, feel free to fill me in 🙂

Goodnight! Can someone roll me to bed?


Have you done any after Christmas shopping?

Do you enjoy or dread the Grocery store?

5 Responses to “Blueberries galore”

  1. Yesterday I bought myself a new purse with my Christmas money. I ordered it online and can’t wait to get it!!

    I LOVE going to the grocery store! Call me crazy but I may even like it more than clothes shopping. :0

  2. It is safe to say, I dread the grocery store! The chicken breast looks great!
    Love your heart and your stories.


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