My gym smells like BACON

You know what’s cool? My gym is surrounded by restaurants… PF Changs, Brio, Japanese Steakhouse, Philly Cheesesteak’s, Cadillac Ranch, Gordon Biersch and some other Mexican restaurant I can’t remember how to spell. So when I leave the gym and I smell bacon, fajitas and fresh bread I daydream about strangling whoever thought it would be a great idea to put a gym in this type of environment. OK maybe that’s a little extreme – But I would like to give them a little piece of my mind.

While at the bacon infused gym I tried a new class (new years resolution)! Unfortunately, I was not a fan – but stuck it out for the full 60 minutes. Do any of you take Zumba? Maybe I didn’t enjoy it because I was the youngest one there by at least 20 years… It was a Friday night at 5pm so I guess people my age had better things to do (enjoy a cold beer & bacon cheese fries from Cadillac ranch). For those of you who have never tried Zumba it’s a latin aerobic dance class. The instructor was a little cooky… and everyone in the room just looked so uncoordinated. Basically we were all just flailing arms/legs, “popping the booty” and “doing the hoochie mama” for 60 minutes. Yes, my 50-year-old instructor was using these exact terms. If you all have had positive experiences PLEASE let me know and maybe I will try another instructor. But, for now I can say I’ve tried it and I don’t plan on going back! After my Zumba session, I forced myself downstairs to the cardio room to run. I like to feel sweaty when I leave a gym so I ran for about 25 minutes and then headed out back into the bacon-y breezy parking garage.

Yesterday I promised a NO oatmeal breakfast day… I added a teeny tiny bit of oats. Sorry, I just couldn’t resist! I got the idea from Chocolate Covered Katie to make a breakfast pizza or a “pizzert” as she calls it. This was soooo incredibly delicious! If you’re looking to get out of your normal breakfast rut, I HIGHLY suggest you try this. Here is my version of the pizzert.

Breakfast Pizzert

Serves 2

  • 1/3 cup of whole-wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • sweetener (i used 2 1/2 packets of splenda)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 tablespoons of unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/8 tsp sea salt
  • dash of cinnamon
  • dash of nutmeg (any spices you want)
  • A handful of blackberries (or whatever fruit/nut/chocolate choice you would like)

To make:

1. Mix everything together and pour into an olive oil misted pan.

2. Cook in a UNpreheated oven at 420 degrees F for 10-15 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

3. Decorate your blank canvas!

Better ‘N Butter Peanut Butter with sliced banana.

Good thing I live by myself (this week) because I have the other half for tomorrow morning! I’m thinking of toppings now…

When I left the house this morning…It looked like a snow filled sky.

But, we barely got an inch. Boo 😦

The girls and I watched Toy Story 3 today. I love Disney movies but this is by far one of my favorites. I let them make their own pizza for lunch (my breakfast inspired me!) while I snacked on carrots and hummus – and that was about it…Easy Breezy Friday.

Lunch today:

Brown rice, black beans, sautéed spinach, green beans, zucchini and sliced tomato. I was bummed I forgot my avocado this morning to add to my bowl but I’m sure I had enough healthy fats in the Olive Oil I used to saute my veggies (not to mention the PB i eat on a daily basis).

Since I was early to Zumba, I stopped in Anthropologie (which is also in the shopping center). This is always bad news and I will admit I was afraid once I stepped in here I would never make it to the gym. All of their kitchen items are SO fun and pretty!

Everything is so perfect…and expensive! See those Flower measuring bowls? $48! I clearly couldn’t afford those so I headed over to the sale section.

I ended up with these two… It doesn’t excite me as much as my new lasagna pan – but I only spent $8 so I’m content. You can never have too many pretty dishes 🙂

Does anyone eat the shirataki tofu noodles? They look like this.

The entire bowl has 30 calories and 2 carbs or something crazy like that! I get my noodle fix, my thighs don’t get any extra carb cushion and we’re all happy 🙂 You can buy these at Whole Foods near the Yogurts. Tonight I made an easy “Spaghetti and Meatballs”

The “meatballs” are from MorningStar – I honestly can’t tell the difference between these and the real ones. The sauce is just some crushed tomatoes and basil. I think everyone should try these noodles at least once – Can’t knock it until you try it!

Dessert was another handful of these.

I wonder if they have the white version too…I’d like to mix them together!

I think I’m going to do a “Favorite Friday” every week. Since this is my first week I’m going to start off with 10 of my recent Favorite’s instead of just a couple.

This weeks Favorite Items:

Fruit: Honeycrisp apples – I’m usually a fuji girl but these have been on point lately!

Workout: Zumba… kidding 😉 Spinning – I always enjoy a 60 minute spin class (as long as there is good music!)

Shoes: Bailey 3 button Uggs – This week they have to get the award… They have kept me warm and dry and are reliable unlike my missing running shoe from yesterday’s workout debacle.

Website: – Even though I can’t afford anything. I like to just add things to my basket to make it feel as if I’m shopping

Movie: Life as we know it. Well, I only watched one movie this week… But, I’m a sucker for romantic comedy’s and I would see it again. Plus, Josh Duhamel is HOT.

Grocery Item: Better n Butter Peanut Butter – SHOCKER!

Store: Anthropologie – Obviously.

Workout Clothes: Under Armour Capri Tight – love love.

Cookbook: Cooking Light – Serves Two

Song to Run to: Bob Sinclair – World Hold On. This is always my favorite 🙂

What are your current weekly favorites!?

I’m going to end tonight’s blog with one of my favorite quotes…

“It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it’s not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it’s always there…If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is… all around.” – Love Actually

Even in potatoes 🙂 *picture courtesy of my dad*

I’m off to the Georgetown vs WVU game with my brothers and cousin in the morning… GO WVU! I hope everyone has had a great start to their weekend. ♥

10 Comments to “My gym smells like BACON”

  1. No gym should be in that type of environment. Not only is that temptation, but just having to smell it…I don’t know if I could handle that. I’ve never tried Zumba before, and I don’t think I want to. I cannot dance at all, and I’d rather do something “more physical.” I totally understand your need to get some running in after that. Btw, your pizzert looks delish! Haven’t seen Toy Story 3 yet, but have heard great things about it. I’ve never tried shirataki tofu noodles…but they look YUM! Definitely do Favorite Friday, it’s such a good idea!a

  2. If my gym smelled like bacon, I would probably undo all of my hard work immediately after leaving and eat some of that yummy food. I love bacon! But not a good idea to put a gym right next to all that food. 🙂

  3. Sorry that the class was such a disappointment!! Im sure not every class is like that. Maybe you could ask around and see who the best intructor is?
    Your pizzert looks amazing!! I eat oats for breakfast everyday too. It is really something that I should probably stop doing! haha
    I have tried those noodles before and I could NOT handle the smell. I have a pretty sensitive nose, and once I get a smell that I dont like, I dont forget it. I tried to cover it up in sauce and vegies, but I just ended up eating around it!

  4. I ordered the Miracle Noodle and have eaten those-0 calories with fiber to keep you full:)
    The one gym I go to is connected to a pizzeria-it’s hell…smelling garlic and pasta while running so you can eat it-ughh!

  5. i never understood why they put gyms right by the most tempting food ever. just doesn’t make sense too me. oh well.

    on the other hand your pizzert looks amazing!

  6. I’m not going to lie, I don’t get zumba either. I’ve never actually tried it but I know that I definitely don’t have any rhythm. I’m pretty sure it would be an accident waiting to happen. haha.

    And I’m definitely going to try the pizzert. Anything that resembles pizza for breakfast–I’m a fan.

    Totally bought those vegan chocolate chips from Whole Foods the other day too! We don’t have a Whole Foods anywhere near where I live but I was in New Orleans for New Years and got them then! I haven’t tried them yet though!

  7. Ugh–a gym I used to go to was right next to a huge Chinese buffet! So all the people walking in to the buffet got to stare at everyone in the gym working their butts off! I always thought: Ok, what is wrong with this picture?

    I have to leave the gym feeling sweaty too! If i I don’t sweat I feel like I didn’t work out! 🙂

  8. I gave you the stylish blogger award on my blog!

  9. Your Pizzert looks FABULOUS! 🙂 I ❤ Disney movies! 🙂

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