Happy Wednesday! Yay for it being the middle of the week. Boo on the rain that has been attacking us since Sunday… I thought May was for FLOWERS!?

Let’s get to the eats. I’m doing another WIAW courtesy of Jenn!

Breakfast – Smoothie Bowl. I could only finish half of this! I saved the other half in the fridge but I’m not so sure it will be good tomorrow??

In the bowl: 2 cups of spinach, 1 cup of fresh blueberries, 1/2 frozen banana, 3/4 cup almond milk, 3/4 of a scoop of vanilla protein

Snack: Gala Apple. Eaten down to the core.

Lunch: Whole Wheat sandwich thin with turkey, melted Muenster cheese, pickle slices, tomato slices, lettuce and a little bit of Annie’s lite Honey Mustard. 90 calorie pack of Mint Chocolate Rice Cakes.

Dinner: Homemade PF Changs Lettuce Wraps w/ ground turkey with a side of roasted butternut squash

Um, I highly recommend you make these. They are amazing…and a lot more healthy than the ones you order at PF Changs!

Dessert: Why can’t I go a night without it?? Oh well.

For the record.. I only had one 🙂

Since this post is all about moi (well everyone usually is) I thought i’d do something different and show you a day in the life of me.

5am: Alarm goes off. Snooze.

508: Must get up…

510: brush teeth, get dressed in gym clothes

518: Head to gym

535: Arrive into gym, half asleep, wandering around deciding on camp24 or spin class.

540: Chose Camp 24 (Mix of Body Pump and Cardio)

545: While setting up teacher asks me if this is my first time here. When I reply with yes…She says I can tell. Oh, thanks. Excuse me while I yawn again.

645: Class is over. Head downstairs to use the Arc Trainer. Cant find my headphones for my ipod. This should be quick

655: 10 minutes done… I told you it would be quick. I cannot work out without music!

700: Get back in car to drive home

715: Shower

740: Pack lunch, prepare breakfast.

750: Enjoy Smoothie Bowl

810: Leave for work (Rarely do I leave ON time)

830: Arrive at work…Girls are still sleeping. Score.

855: 2-year-old wakes up. Change her, make her breakfast. She chose Oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon and a dollop of peanut butter. Are we sure this isn’t MY child??

930: 5-year-old wakes up. She wants to know what I’m wearing so she can find something similar. This happens everyday and meltdowns often occur.

945: Make 5 year olds breakfast (Cereal w/ strawberries) and listen to her whine because she has to use regular milk instead of almond milk. I really am rubbing off on these two.

1015: Practice letters & numbers

1045: Snack time – I have an apple…They have 1/2 an apple with PB

1110: The girls want to lift weights.

1140: Read books, play pretend, make a mess.

1240: Lunch time. I make the girls Trader Joe’s dumplings and prepare mine after they are seated.

115: Nap time. My favorite part of the day 🙂 Read them books and they pass right out.

130: Catch up on blogs. Had a couple of phone interviews.

400: Kids wake up.

405: The parents came home and I was off work

410: Confused because I’m done my workout, I’m off early and I can’t spend money!

440: Home Sweet Home. Comfy clothes on. iCarly with my cousin.

530: Start preparing dinner because I’m ravenous.

600: Eat dinner

630: Eat dessert

700: Start blogging, chat on phone, gchat. I’m an awesome multitasker

800: Prepare meals for tomorrow

815: Chat with Adam for a good hour or so before bed. Klonk out and do it over again!

I live a prettttty boring life. I’m sorry you just had to read that.

Outfit of the day for my WIWW (what I wore Wednesday)

  • Dress: Forever 21
  • Sweater: Borrowed from a friend
  • Flip flops: Old Navy
  • Bracelet: David Yurman
  • Watch: Michael Kors
Sorry for the creepy weird stance.. Not sure what’s going on there.
By the way (back to food talk) – I’ve been stalking Kristin since her guest post last week on Julie’s blog and have made 4 of her meals. Yes, 4. I highly recommend them all. Here are the links to her recipes and the pictures below are hers. I wouldn’t dare post mine after seeing hers!
Make them, you won’t be disappointed. I’m not one to lie when it comes to good food.
Make it a good one 🙂

QUESTIONS: Have you done a WIAW!? Get to it!

33 Comments to “WIAW”

  1. I am tired just reading about your day!

  2. What a long day! WOW! im impressed 😀

  3. looking hot girl! look at those toned legs!

  4. Hahaha I love the picture with the weights, what a cutie!

  5. I haven’t really done a WIAW, but I usually post some or all of my eats everyday.

  6. You are an animal!! I cannot get up that early especially to work out. I go at lunch and then am just a funkball the rest of the day 🙂

  7. I have not done a WIAW but I think I will have to – it’s a great way to get a post done and a great idea! Love the outfit!

  8. I LOVE Kristin’s blog, too! I’m obsessed with her baked oatmeal recipes – the apple, banana and pumpkin ones!

    Your day sounds totally awesome! Working at a computer all day in an office makes me wish I could have a job like you where I get to move around and play!

  9. I haven’t done a WIAW yet, but I amthinking I’m going to start next wednesday!!

  10. My gosh so much chocolate….yummmmmm!

  11. How wonderful that the girls sleep so late. I’m a bit jealous!

    I haven’t done a WIAW, but I should…hmm, not that it would be exciting though.

    Cute dress!

  12. I’ve definitely done the “homemade” version of PF Chang’s lettuce wraps, too. They’re delicious!!!

  13. I love your outfit. I seriously want to raid your closet. Haha. 🙂 You have such awesome taste in clothes!!! 🙂 Your day sounds awesome. I’m impressed you only press snooze once… I’m a snooze-a-holic. It has be pushed a least 15 times… Haha.

  14. Not a boring life at all, but definitely a long day! Your smoothie bowl looks so creamy and delicious!

  15. I love reading about other peoples scheduales, because I really need to adjut mine. The alarm goes of at 5:15 to go work out but i usually tell myself I will workout after work (which most of the time I do) but then Im really crunched for time after..a horrible cycle

  16. I know you said your into veggie bowls for lunch, but that sandwich looks pretty tasty to me! Sounds like you had a busy day. I’d never have the time to hit the gym and shower at home. I always shower there – just have to remember to bring my shower flip flops!

  17. I dont typically take pics of my eats unless it is something special so I have not done one yet! Love the outfit!

  18. That outfit is so cute! And how could you not finish your smoothie in a bowl?? I always want MORE When I eat mine for breakfast! haha maybe I should see what you put in yours and see if it fills me up better!

    Happy WIAW!

  19. I can’t believe you get up at 5!! I don’t think I could ever do that, the discipline!!

  20. Good for you for being a morning gym person…I can only get up that early for a) race day b) because i just really have no other option

  21. probably that smoothie will be like burnt toast tomorrow…maybe you’ll want it later! LOVE thai lettuce wraps though so yeah, AMAZINGNESS! I absolutely love that the little girls wanted to lift weights and wanted almondmilk…so dang cute!! those food pics look reallllly good too… 😉

  22. I must try that smoothie bowl! I am so into making new recipes and food lately and have been writing down all these great ideas to one day transfer to recipe cards (yes, like a little old grandma!!)

  23. I love doing WIAW!! Your eats look so yummy. 🙂

  24. Busy busy day! And I thought my wednesdays were busy! Love the outfits, as usual 🙂

  25. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that you’ve rubbed off on those girls 🙂 That artichoke pasta looks divine!

  26. Wow, those kids take a long nap! When I used to babysit a 2 year old, a 2 hour nap was a long nap for her. Nap time was always my favorite part of the day too!

  27. Your day is INSANE. You are superwoman – seriously. And you look fab in the photo!
    Dont fret about needing dessert everyday… I do too. Perfectly a-OK. Its not like we are downing a Supersized Mcflurry or anything!

  28. I didn’t try those quaker quakes for a long time because I thought they looked stupid. But then I tried them once and realized they are actually really good! I eat way too many though since they aren’t filling, and then I’m out another 3 bucks…

  29. I eat dessert EVERY day too..multiple times! Sweet treats make a meal complete. 🙂

    Wow, your work days are BUSY! I love that the kids you nanny for prefer almond milk over regular milk and like to lift weights for fun. Haha…You most definitely ARE rubbing off on them! Fortunately they’re healthy habits though…I bet their parents love you!

    Ok, so yeah, we definitely need to make that dinner date happen!! What’s your schedule like during the next week or two? I have class Tuesday and Thursday nights, but other than that, almost any evening works!

  30. I loved reading your day because I was a nanny for about four months when I first moved to Virginia Beach. It’s HARD work- seriously!! Nap time was my most favorite part of the day too. Ew that the lady said “I can tell” about your first class! Even if she was joking, that’s no way to amp up a girl’s confidence! Jeeeez -Jamie

  31. i accidentally did a (1/2) wiaw yesterday. totally didn’t mean to but then i looked back at my post & it was, indeed, what i ate! 🙂 love the looks of those lettuce wraps! 🙂

  32. omigoodness those four meals look incredible!!! and i actually just heard about wiaw this morning when i was reading a magazine! aparently its all the rage right now and makes you feel muscles you never knew you had! .. meaning i def have to try it!

  33. Glad you enjoyed the lettuce wraps!! 😀

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