Eating it…Literally

This past weekend I had my friends in town

Which meant a lot of going out, adult beverages and good food

Each of my house guests brought one of my most loved things

The first picture’s batch are from none other than TOYS R US! Who would’ve thought they would have delicious cupcakes?? The second picture is from Magnolia Bakery in NYC. Both were phenomenal. My friends are just as amazing.

While we were out having fun, dancing and laughing I really took it to another level. The bar we were at caught it all on camera for your pleasure and my fond memory.

I must really love you guys to share that.

I’m now icing my body, detoxing with homemade soup (recipe tomorrow) and convincing my boyfriend to clean up the apartment because I’m hurt 😉

QUESTIONS: Have you ever had a fall while dancing?

36 Responses to “Eating it…Literally”

  1. OMG (trying not to laugh), but that was seriously funny. Are you okay though? That kinda look liked it hurt! 😦 You rock even more because you posted that!

    At least your outfit was faboosh 🙂

  2. hahahaha oh my gosh I can’t believe you posted that. I’m impressed. How are you ok?!

  3. Oh my Gosh! That looked like it hurt! I’m sure you’re laughing about it now but then it probably wasn’t too funny haha. Friends in town is a great reason to have a good weekend 😀

  4. I laughed so hard at that…but the bruises will heal soon (and they make you look badass)!
    I’ve definitely had a fall before…especially while dancing in any pair of heels surpassing four inches; I mean how can you not…especially after a couple of martinis 😉

  5. Hahhaaa I am trying to stifle a laugh…but I cannot! I hope you are alright dear!

  6. Hahhaaa I am trying to stifle a laugh…but I cannot! I hope you are alright dear!!

  7. You have the best friends EVER! Cupcakes are always welcome as far as I’m concerned.

  8. oh my goodnesss!!! not only am i surprised you posted it, but how did you get it??? i hope you’re okay, and as always thanks for oversharing!! 😉

  9. Wow – I hope you’re ok. I fall constantly so yes, I have fallen while dancing.

  10. I love you but that’s pretty hilarious 🙂
    Hope you’re ok, boo.

  11. Toys R Us does cupcakes? Wow! I think I know where I need to shop for M’s bday present. 😉

  12. OUCHIES!! I’ll have to admit though, like Buzz Lightyear, that was falling… with style.

    When I was in Italy I had the WORST dancefloor fall of my life. The discotheque was PACKED and the floor was covered in folks’ spilled drinks. A lethal combination. I ended up kinda shimmying somewhere near the stairs when WHACK slipped on some red bull vodka cran wine puddle right on the corner of the step!! The bruise I had was so epic and you could even see the corner. Like… perfectly.

  13. I just realized how much I love you. That is awesome.

    And trust me, I’ve not done it on the dance floor. But walking and in front of guys? Multiple times…

  14. Ah! I hope you are okay! I’ve definitely slipped while dancing, too!

  15. Alyssa. I’m dying over here. hahahaha… you. you are are a champ.

  16. Lmaooooo, it’s kinda hard not to laugh 😉 Glad you had fun though and that you saw all your friends! 😀

  17. Those cupcakes look amazing!!!! Don’t tease me.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  18. ALYSSA! You’ve got balls for posting that video! I love you for this! I died watching this (only because I knew you weren’t really hurt) So glad you’re ok! Loving your blog! 🙂

  19. Oh my gosh! Girl that looks like it hurt- hope you’re ok!!

  20. Mmmm I’m drooling over those Magnolia cupcakes! I’ve only had them once but have followed their recipes for cakes and cupcakes a few times too. Yum.

  21. Oh my goodness, that is hilarious! Well, I mean… it looks incredibly painful, but also totally hilarious, hehe! Glad you had a great weekend! 🙂

  22. OMG!!!! I can’t believe that managed to get caught on camera! How are you feeling???? Thats looked SO painful! I hope those cupcakes helped ease your pain =)
    ps. I responded to your comment about the 1/2 marathon on my last post if you didn’t see it!

  23. Oh my gosh…you poor thing 😦 That looks terrible. But you are awesome for putting it on here- more powers to you 😀 Nice to be able to laugh about it….AFTER it all happened!


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